Friday, August 23, 2013

Five for Friday! [[Linky Party]]

I'm linking up for the first time with Doodle Bugs Teaching for her linky party! It's called Five for Friday! All you have to do is post 5 random things from today or the week! Easy peasy!

1. This girl is exhausted. It was my first full week of school, EVER. As a first year teacher, I had no idea what to expect! I'm going to sleep gooood this weekend!

2. I got my FIRST KitchenAid  Mixer last week, and boy am I in love! :) It does wonders, and makes my cookies stay soft for days. I can't wait to make more recipes in it this weekend!

3. These flowers have made my smile all day long! They are still blooming! I received them from family on the first day of school, and now over a week later they still look beautiful. I get tons of compliments on them too!!!!

4. I love my students to death. I really do. But the best classroom, is a quiet classroom (when you want to get stuff done), and today they were anything but that. They were wound for sound, which I suppose I can't blame them. It was their first full week of school, and it was a Friday...but as for today...this was the best kind of classroom. It allowed me to get all my grading done and entered, so I HAVE NO HOMEWORK THIS WEEKEND!

5. I have been thinking all day, how much I miss volleyball. It's been 5 years since I've played competitively, but I played throughout college on an intramural team..and I miss it dearly. The high school girls started practice this week, and walking by the gym at the end of the day is a debbie downer. for sure.

That's all for now, I suppose. It's been a great first week, but this chick needs some sleep. She is exhausted to the wouldn't think I would get this exhausted, but man, I could sleep for a week.

Join Doodles for Teaching linky party! It's super easy and fun! 

With love, B

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A day of firsts, I suppose.

I suppose this year is going to be full of firsts. I'm hoping more good firsts than bad though.

Today, I gave my first quiz for a grade. yikes. It was the state capital quiz. They had to list all the state capitals without a bank or anything. They also have to get 47 right otherwise they have to retake it. I don't think it should be that hard. We live in America, I think every person should be able to list the states, know where they are and the capitals of each one. I suppose that's my mean side of a teacher coming out.

That means, today was also my first day with ACTUAL grading to do. The few assignments they've already turned in have all been completion grades since we worked on them mostly as a class so they all had the same answers. Phew. Grading is intense. ;) I suppose I better get used to that.

Today was also the first day I really lost my mind. It's five days in and this kid is already driving me nuts. He won't do A SINGLE THING. Already failing my class. I checked his daily work for the week today, hasn't done a thing and just sits there making inappropriate comments. This leads to another first...

Sent my first parent email. Hopefully mom can help me set them straight before they dig a hole to deep. I want all my kiddos to succeed. I really do!

And finally, I got my first follower request on twitter and instagram from a student. He told me he was going to spend all day looking for me, but he will find me. DENY. I don't understand why students think their teachers want to be friends with them! CRAZY KIDDOS!

Overall, the first week has been WONDERFUL. I couldn't imagine a better staff for the first week of school. My coworkers are wonderful, and it actually hasn't been that stressful! I already have the planning done, the copying done, now I just have to teach. The thing I LOVE TO DO MOST. :)

God is good.

With love,

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Teacher Week: Now Teach!

Welp, now I'm double posting! Eeks! Try to catch up on a day that I'm taking away from school to relax and ease nerves before the first day, which is....TOMORROW.

I've been surfing blogs and looking at all the cute different things you ladies have done with your classrooms this year. Today's actual post is supposed to be about organizational tools. I wasn't prepared for this post.

I am a first year teacher, so I'm trying to be prepared...but we'll see how well that works.

My organizational station is probably my back table.

This is the first part of it. I have assigned each of my students a number. So they will get in the habit of moving their number on the boards (which are cookie sheets that are spray painted), collect handouts for the day, and see what we're doing all in this one spot. 

As they go down the back table, you can kind of see them, I have their books all laid out in number order, so they will take the book with their number and then they can find their seat. Also on this back wall I have the no-name station which is the banner hanging from my chalk board, the make up work section where all my worksheets will be from other days of the week so they can get worksheets they missed but also if they know they'll  be gone another day during the week they can get a head start. The other black file organizer hanging on the other side will be their homework turn in spot. I tried to manage the flow of the classroom and that's what I focused the most on, so lets hope it works!

Let me know what you think!

Go check out some other organization tips from Blog Hoppin' by clicking on the image below! 

With Love, 

Teacher Week: Classroom Digs

Yeah yeah, I know I'm a day late..and probably a dollar short, but this week has been crazy! I've been in meetings from sun up to sun down since Monday and 7pm is the earliest I've been home in a while! I have my first kiddos coming tomorrow, so my classroom is finished..for the most part. I have a pile of stuff that is for Student Council that I am waiting on a file cabinet for, so it's in a corner of the back of the room for now. Hopefully I'll get a file cabinet tomorrow or Friday.

I know  I should have linked up to this linky yesterday, but I didn't want to take pictures before it was completed! Plus, I keep getting asked if it's ready or for here's the unveiling.

P.S. I know I'll add things as I acquire them throughout the year, but being a first year teacher, I can't fork out ALL my money for my classroom quite yet! It's hard to decide how decorated to make your classroom when you're a middle school teacher!

Well, this is the plant my mom and stepdad sent me for my first day of teaching! There was a dr. pepper right in the middle...buttttt that didn't last long.

This is the view from the doorway.

Another view from the doorway into my turn-in corner.

This is my bulletin board, for now. I'll probably change it and move the rules somewhere else so I can use this bulletin board for fun stuff. It's my only one so I have to be stingy with it!

That's my desk area! 

A closer view of my teacher area with my paper lanterns hanging from the ceiling. I look like I have a greenhouse growing in my classroom! I'm going to need a classroom helper to help me remind me to water them!

That's the outside of my door, minus the ladder. The janitor hadn't made it back to grab it and put it away from me! The office is across the hall from my room, so the ladies reccomended I cover the door with something otherwise my students will be focused on who is walking in and out of the I got some fabric from JoAnn's teacher appreciation days!

My pretty banner that has my name. It's just a bit to big to let it hang, so I had to tape it up there in the middle... I'm not sure how I feel about it. 

So that's all! Go and check out the rest of the linked up blogs for some more classrooms!

With love,

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Working on a Saturday?

Well, I've finally been in my classroom. They just painted it today so on Monday I can hang some posters and more things up so it doesn't look so bare! It's been a stressful couple of days moving into a new classroom. Being a first year teacher, I didn't have much. Luckily, the previous teacher left everything for me. Unluckily, I had to sift through it all. Needless to say, I've been busy. Ben had to work today, so I figured I'd head down to school and get some work done today. The bug hit me or something because I got so much done and was so productive! My classroom is starting to look like a classroom. I haven't been posting much, but hope to get back on the train once I have a day to think and catch up! It's been a busy week and a half! Below are a few pics of my classroom that I took today just so my mother could see them! She's been bugging me. :) I'll take more pictures on Wednesday night when it's all done and ready for the first day of school on Thursday! 

 View from my desk. 

My door so far. I'm gonna decorate my window with some fabric or wrapping paper just really haven't decided yet! 
Attendance and the agenda! 
Where they'll see their objectives! 
My desk. Pardon the mess. :) 
View from the door

Any suggestions or anything, comment below! 

With love, 

Friday, August 2, 2013

August Currently and Lovin' Life!

Well, first I'll connect to the Currently for August! I'm so excited with life and everything going on, if I don't connect to it first, I'll probably forget. :)

I'm so excited about this one! It means school is starting soon!

Listening: Right now my country music pandora is on, while I SHOULD be cleaning house...but I had to take a break and catch up on the blogging world. :)
Loving: Yesterday was my FIRST day in my classroom, and it's my FIRST classroom since I'm a first year teacher this was like walking into heaven. Ahhhhh! My family has said I've been like a little kid in a candy store recently. :)
Thinking: While yesterday was my first day in my classroom, it also let me realize, I HAVE TONS TO DO!
Wanting: I could use a new printer, but without a paycheck until September, I suppose things have to wait. 
Needing: To get off my  lazy butt and clean house. We're headed to my parents for the weekend, and then next week I'll be in my classroom all week, so it needs to get done TODAY.
B2S Must Haves: I'm a new teacher, so I need lots of things. :) Butttttttt, I changed it up a little and I need to be patient. I've learned that I really love sticky notes too. I use them for everything! And finally, I'm going to need chocolate...a lot of it. I'm sure. The nerves have already kicked in. Eeeeeeks!

Well, as you saw earlier, I spent my first day in my classroom yesterday. I also met the rest of the 7th grade team, and I had so much fun. I can't wait for the school year to begin because it's going to be a blast, I can already tell. My mentor teacher for the year is actually the 7th grade teacher before me. He's moving to PE for a few years before retiring. So I will have the support I need and I can always run to him if I need help! :D I CAN'T WAIT. 

I could just go on and on about my first day in my classroom, but I'm sure you've all been there. :)

With love,