Monday, July 13, 2015

Monday Made It and My Stitch Fix! YAY!

Hello all! :)

Today I'm linking up with 4th Grade Frolics for our Monday Made It! Yay! I've been in my classroom a lot recently...but when trying to come up with things I've made.....the choices were slim. I've cleaned a lot! haha! I have two things that I made this week for my classroom and one for home! :)

Number 1: I made my classroom toolbox that hopefully keeps me organized this year! The sad thing is that I didn't even really make it...I bought the toolbox from Lowe's and then bought the labels from TpT. Thank you to Mrs Cains Creations for the lovely tags! They were perfect! You can purchase them here!

Number 2: I made this wreath a few weeks ago, but I finally hung it up last that counts, right? I'm trying to decide what to put in the middle...I'm super I haven't decided yet. But I learned how to make these at my mom's and they're not hard at all! It only took me about 30 minutes while I was watching TV! Not bad for my first try! 

NOW ON TO THE EXCITING PART! I received my FIRST Stitch Fix today! :) YAY! My mom and I both signed up this I'm excited for us to compare what we get...we're pretty similar statute, so this shall be fun! 
First Piece: Market & Spruce Lana Lace Detail V-Neck Blouse..I loved this piece. I think it's a perfect school shirt, and it's super comfy...don't mind the face--had volleyball camp all day and I was too excited about my stitch fix..I came right home and tried it all on! I'm definitely keeping this piece!

Second Piece: Brixon Ivy Fallon Mixed Print Sleeveless Blouse. It's not a terrible top, and I think I would wear just came down to not being able to afford the whole box! haha! :) It's loose and light and pretty comfy.I wasn't in LOVE with the pattern though. :(

Third Piece: Renee C Melisa Mixed Geo Print Pencil Skirt. OMG I LOVED THIS PIECE. It's made out of cotton, so it's super comfy! It's also easy to dress up. You can just wear a solid color v-neck, and then I have the option of one of my 100 cardigans or just a necklace of some sort and BAM! I have an outfit. DEFINITELY KEEPING!!! 

Pieces Four and Five: Street Level Juno Small Folded Clutch and Dear John Finnegan Roll Cuff Short. I wasn't in love with either of these pieces. The shorts were black and were slightly faded...not my style and I just don't use clutch purses. I didn't feel a need for either of these pieces.  You can see them in a picture below! 
Overall Molly, my lovely stylist did a fantastic job for my first stitch fix! I'm super excited for my next one already!! :) If you're not already getting a stitchfix...I totally recommend it!! Here's a link to get started: Definitely give it a try...even if it's just a couple! You can even spread them out, or manually schedule them! :) 

Much love,

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Revival from the dead.

Hello all!

I haven't posted since August of 2014...that was a long time ago. After having Periscope take over my life...and stalking Lindsey from Miss Johnston's Journey and Jameson from Lessons with Coffee and Meg from A New Box of Crayons --I've decided to get back into the blogging world. If you haven't found these need to check them out. They are all doing wonderful things...Lindsey and Jameson actually have planned a Midwest Blogger Meet Up all while planning their weddings...AMAZING. I have accomplished.....watching 5 shows--beginning to end on Netflix. Meg had an amazing Periscope last night that everyone needs to watch! She's so REAL and inspired me to get back into the blogging world.

A lot has changed since last August...I am super excited to get to coach JH Volleyball this year! YAY! I will still get to coach JH Basketball as well....coaching life is awesome life. You get to see your students in a different light outside of the classroom doing something they love to do. I am also still the high school Student Council dream. I love StuCo! This fall will be my third year also will be my third assistant principal. CRAZY.

It's summer...and I've been at school for probably 35 hours since Wednesday... I love it here at school...and I don't know why. Call me crazy. I know. They reimaged my computer this summer...which is great and all for the normal teacher...but for us teachers who have 100+ fonts installed on our's a pain! I spent close to 2 hours on Friday downloading/installing Kimberly Geswein's fonts back onto my computer. I have also been stalking TpT and getting some awesome things for my AND CREDIT ;) to come later (maybe for Monday Made It!) My biggest accomplishment is organizing my classroom...the teacher before me left me a bunch of stuff (2 years ago), which is awesome and I've used some...but I'm finally parting ways with a lot of it! It's allowing my to have so much more room! Here's the mess I have now....

My goal this year is to become an active blogger, TpT-er, and a better collaborator on Social Media with other teachers! I want to have bloggy besties and other teachers across the world to talk to! My boyfriend of 4 years still just doesn't get the teaching life. Haha! I'm also subject to a lot of older teachers in my school...we're slowly getting the younger ones in here, but my first year I think the age gap from me to the next youngest teacher was close to 10 years...and there were only one or two that age...most of the teachers here could be my parents...which is a double edged sword. It's great for advice, but they are also quick to shoot down my new ideas because they didn't work in the past...which is frustrating! But hopefully blogging will help me become a better teacher! #midwesttribe #teachertribe

Now if only anyone reads this...haha.